I’m Excited To Meet You!


…And I’m here to help

I'm Dan, and my passion is creating transformative experiences that shape and enhance your connection with the world. For over a decade, I've guided numerous individuals in crafting extraordinary lives and unforgettable journeys in Japan that transcend the ordinary.

In line with my commitment to creating global connections, I'm proud to announce that 10% of Boston Intercultural's 2023 profits will be donated to support study-abroad initiatives to Japan.

This summer, I'm offering a unique opportunity for three fortunate travelers - personalized mentorship that caters to your interests, be it food, history, nature, deep connections, or immersion in daily Japanese life. Together, we'll design a one-of-a-kind journey just for you.

Do you share my vision and want to transform your trip to Japan into an unparalleled experience? Don't hesitate, as spaces are limited. Reach out to me directly by filling out the form below, or share this opportunity with someone who would treasure this unique experience.

Let's revolutionize the way we travel and experience the world - together.