Tools to Stay Ahead
Dan’s Resource Guide
Every time we turn our heads, it seems like a new learning application or project management software comes around. It’s a lot of information to stay up to date on, but I’m here to help! Below you’ll find a list of tools I use regularly and links to valuable videos and guides. Check back often as I update this guide regularly.
GENKI 1 & 2: I can’t stress how important choosing the right beginner’s textbook is. Genki is the best tool to start for 90% of learners.
TAE KIM’S GRAMMAR GUIDE: An excellent, concise grammar guide.
SO-MATOME & SHIN KANZEN MASTER: These two book series have all the content you need for anyone focused on passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Great for those who learn most effectively from targeted textbooks.
NIHONGO NO MORI: The BEST Japanese learning videos, all for free!
ANKI: My favorite spaced repetition flashcard application.
YOMICHAN: A browser plugin that translates Japanese words with a simple hover of your mouse. To learn how it integrates with Anki, click here to read our guide.
MIDORI: The best iOS Japanese dictionary. Includes a flashcard program for those who don’t want to bother to with Anki.
DROPS: Fun application for learning vocabulary.
BUNPO: Beautifully organized and effective grammar-learning app.
DEEPL: My go-to application for machine translation. Far from perfect, but much more accurate than Google Translate.
NOTION: My favorite online all-in-one workspace. Period.
ASANA: If Notion is an iPad, Asana is a Kindle. Although an iPad can do everything a Kindle can, the latter’s design is hyper-specialized for a single task. Asana is similar in that it’s a project management tool perfect for building a travel or learning plan without a lot of the noise - and flexibility - of Notion.